As you answer these questions, please select the response that best reflects your situation. Your input will contribute to your personalized Investor Metric™ risk score, which we’ll use to identify investment portfolios that align with your risk tolerance and financial objectives—whether traditional or faith-based.

We’re committed to creating a hyper-personalized, risk-adjusted portfolio that balances your goals, time horizon, and comfort with market volatility. This tailored strategy ensures ongoing alignment with your evolving needs and preferences.

The Investor Metric™ Questionnaire

We provide this score sheet to help you determine the best portfolio allocation to meet your investment needs. This is based on your investment objectives, time horizon, and investment risk profile. Your total is your Risk Tolerance Score.

Investor Metric Risk Number™ and Risk Tolerance Scale:

Investment Limitations and/or Preferences:

Using prudent investment strategies, NCFA will manage investments within the portfolio sections you specified. You, the Client grant full discretionary authority to NCFA for the investment & reinvestment of assets in the Client’s account. Please describe below any special instructions or limitations affecting the management of the Client’s account. Including, If you selected an objective that is either higher or lower than what corresponds to your Investor Risk Metric Number™

Congratulations! You’ve taken an important step in your financial journey. Based on your thoughtful responses to The Investor Metric™ Questionnaire, we’ve identified your unique Investor Risk Metric Number™ and crafted a Personalized Portfolio that aligns perfectly with:

  • Your risk comfort level
  • Your specific investment timeline
  • Your personal financial goals

Your customized portfolio is ready and waiting. Click “Next” to begin funding your future with an investment strategy designed just for you.

The path to financial freedom starts here – let’s take that next step together.