NCFA/Cyborg-Advisors Aggressive Growth Fund

Aggressive Portfolio

The NCFA/Cyborg-Advisors Aggressive portfolio has the highest allocation to equities among all options. It's designed for investors with a high-risk tolerance seeking maximum long-term growth potential, understanding that it may come with significant short-term volatility.

Table of Contents

Investment Objective:

The NCFA/Cyborg-Advisors Aggressive Growth Fund seeks to achieve maximum long-term capital appreciation. It aims to provide investors with a high-growth potential portfolio while accepting a high level of risk.

Key Features:

  1. Equity-Focused Asset Mix: Allocates 95% to equities and 5% to cash, emphasizing aggressive capital appreciation potential.
  2. Global Diversification: Includes both domestic and international investments across various market capitalizations and sectors.
  3. Value Tilt: Emphasizes value stocks in both U.S. and international markets to potentially enhance long-term returns.
  4. Emerging Markets Exposure: Significant allocation to diversified emerging markets for additional growth potential.
  5. Real Estate Component: Includes specialty real estate for diversification and potential growth.
  6. Liquidity: Maintains a small cash position for flexibility and to meet short-term needs.

Investment Strategy:

The Fund employs an aggressive growth strategy with the following allocation:

Equity (95%):

  • 32% US Core-Equity: Substantial core holding in U.S. stock market for broad market exposure.
  • 21% US Mid-small Value: Significant allocation to potentially undervalued smaller companies.
  • 18% Int’l Small/Mid Value: Large exposure to international value stocks in smaller companies.
  • 6% US Large Value: Allocation to potentially undervalued large U.S. companies.
  • 6% Int’l Large Value: Exposure to international value stocks in larger companies.
  • 6% Diversified Emerging Markets: Allocation for high growth potential in developing economies.
  • 6% Specialty-Real Estate: Provides exposure to real estate markets for diversification and growth potential.

Cash (5%): Maintains minimal liquidity for short-term needs and flexibility.

This aggressive growth approach aims to maximize equity market growth potential. The Fund is designed for investors with a very high risk tolerance or those seeking aggressive growth-oriented investments for long-term financial goals, typically with an investment horizon of 10 years or more.

Aggressive Portfolio

The NCFA/Cyborg-Advisors Aggressive portfolio has the highest allocation to equities among all options. It's designed for investors with a high-risk tolerance seeking maximum long-term growth potential, understanding that it may come with significant short-term volatility.

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